Make "Save checksum file on finish" option persistent.

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There is an option to store the checksum at the end but it resets to disabled for every transaction.

It would also be nice if I could choose wether to store the checksums for all files in one file or if every file should get its own checksum file.

bert williams

I'm sorry, but I don't think I should have been included in this discussion as my questions from 2-15-21 have still not been answered but I'm still on the email list.  I just recd 3 email regarding this question. Is there a possibility there is a new version of English use on this forum?  I've been running to this recently specifically on tech websites.


Bella 4 aka bert

My question to this forum 2-15-21:

I'm new to this forum, but but not Teracopy. I only use Teracopy to move large amounts of research data to Hi Capacity USB HD. Currently I use W10 on an Asus gaming laptop. Started when I went to W7 then to W10, a total of 7-8 yrs. I don't remember the V#'s but after going thru this forum, I tried v2.3 but it hung up 90% thru.

  1. Q #1: is: Teracopy was accurate on W7, when I checked files, folders on PROPERTIES all were copied.
  2. On W10: Tetacopy missed copying several folders & files. Tested against Explorer, It was kludgy & produced errors.
  3. Q #2: is the paid ver 3.6 of Teracopy better, more efficient, features?
  4. Q #3: What are Direct Folders & do I need it?


Bella 4 aka bert

Code Sector
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Good imho idea

Use 'save as default' feature.