Make "Save checksum file on finish" option persistent.

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  • Completed

There is an option to store the checksum at the end but it resets to disabled for every transaction.

It would also be nice if I could choose wether to store the checksums for all files in one file or if every file should get its own checksum file.

Good imho idea

Use 'save as default' feature.

Code Sector
  • Completed
bert williams

I'm sorry, but I don't think I should have been included in this discussion as my questions from 2-15-21 have still not been answered but I'm still on the email list.  I just recd 3 email regarding this question. Is there a possibility there is a new version of English use on this forum?  I've been running to this recently specifically on tech websites.


Bella 4 aka bert

My question to this forum 2-15-21:

I'm new to this forum, but but not Teracopy. I only use Teracopy to move large amounts of research data to Hi Capacity USB HD. Currently I use W10 on an Asus gaming laptop. Started when I went to W7 then to W10, a total of 7-8 yrs. I don't remember the V#'s but after going thru this forum, I tried v2.3 but it hung up 90% thru.

  1. Q #1: is: Teracopy was accurate on W7, when I checked files, folders on PROPERTIES all were copied.
  2. On W10: Tetacopy missed copying several folders & files. Tested against Explorer, It was kludgy & produced errors.
  3. Q #2: is the paid ver 3.6 of Teracopy better, more efficient, features?
  4. Q #3: What are Direct Folders & do I need it?


Bella 4 aka bert